Nicole Gonzales October 1, 2021 Personal Development no responses

Let’s face it. The past year has thrown a barrage of challenges at us that none of us had even considered. As a result, it can be easy to be burned out and be less than positively motivated.

You have the power though to change that! Some very simple steps can be incorporated into your daily routine. As with any new “habit”, it can take a little time to make these changes effortless but the payoff can be well worth it.

Get a little exercise time. Whether you choose to take a walk around the perimeter of the store, or actual gym visits, a little movement is not only good for your body, but it can be a great time to reflect on the positive things that occurred recently. Think about the smile on the face of a patient as you fit them in their first pair of contacts, or a milestone that your child may have achieved. Look at that, two tasks completed with one action!

Make sure that you take a moment to look your best every day, not just the days that you go into work. Keeping to a regular routine of getting up and ready at the same time every day helps keep you on track.