Theresa Ayers November 4, 2022 Personal Development no responses

Take a moment to reflect on what has happened in your life this year.  Yes, the end of the year is right around the corner.  We always find it so easy to remember the challenges or obstacles we had to get through, but I want you to identify the good things that happened this year.

Big events are easy to identify (congratulations to those of you who have new homes, got married and who added new babies into your lives!).  But for some of us, it may seem like nothing special happened which is just not true.  The simple things that brought joy to you even if for just a moment should be recognized.  Think about that new recipe you tried out and everyone loved it, or maybe you got a jump start on holiday shopping this year or did you finally tackle that closet and get it organized?  Don’t dismiss the little things that contribute to the overall big picture.

Try doing this exercise for your practice as well.  If you have staff, get their input on the successes you had this year.  Just take the month to be thankful for everything that you have and do and focus on the positives in your life!